143 Acts Part 2

I began my 143 Random Acts of Kindness this week and feel quite satisfied with my progress.  I have found out that when you begin the day thinking, “How can I help someone?” you automatically set yourself up for a more positive day. It has helped remind me how incredibly blessed I am… My pantry is full, I have people willing to fight for my freedom, and I am healthy.

#1 – Gave food to food bank

#2 – Sent 2 packages to soldiers through Operation Shoebox (the boys chose all of the contents to include from a supply list)

#3 – Held door open for man with many packages

#4 – Gave diapers to repairman

#5 – Donated blood

#6 – Gave loose change to girl raising money for track meet

#7 – Gave the janitor at rec pool a large box of books we no longer needed

Photo by Heath Brandon





6 thoughts on “143 Acts Part 2

  1. I love what you’re doing! I’ve been going through our stuff the past few days to see what I can get rid of, because we won’t have as much storage space in Brazil. I have at least two car loads of stuff to donate today. And I’ll do it with Baby Boy in mind.

  2. Those are great acts of kindness. I need to think of things I’ve been doing to pass on.

  3. If everyone could do just one random act of kindness a day, can you imagine how different the world would be??

  4. What a great post! This is an inspiration for me. The last RAK I remember doing was putting some change in an expired meter a couple of weeks ago so that the person parked there wouldn’t get a ticket. =)

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