
Have you ever had this problem?

I’m going to get my hair colored tomorrow and I’m trying to come up with an excuse.

It’s actually worse than it looks.

I have a good two inches of brown hair followed by 8 inches of blonde hair. Oh so attractive

I know what’s going to happen when I enter the salon. A disgusted colorist will look at me repulsively while I say, “I know its been four months since I’ve been here but I was kind of busy.”


“I was trying to save some money so I waited to come in a little longer than usual.”


“I made sure to wear a hat all the time.”


“I actually never left the house during the last two months of this debacle.”

So I’ve been brainstorming..I think I’ll get a different look this time.

“While visiting a friend in Africa I was kidnapped and forced to marry a Zulu prince. But I escaped two weeks later when I jumped out of our canoe and battled a crocodile while getting to shore. I then came across military forces who took me into their operation and trained me to become a gunner until I met a young woman I thought I could trust. Turns out she was recruiting women to become geishas and I was just what they were looking for. I was the headline performer at the Sumo National Championships. Thankfully an audience member recognized me from a television appearance and was able to pay for my freedom. I just returned to the US this morning and this was my first stop.”

I’m betting this will get me a full highlight for the price of a partial.

Do you ever need excuses for your hair?

9 thoughts on “Hair

  1. Love it!! I would buy that for sure 🙂
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting earlier, always very much appreciated!
    Good luck with the new ‘do’…

  2. Haha! I used to get blonde highlights over my natural brown color and I would go for MONTHS in between. I was a scary sight. Then the last time, I had them dye it back to my original color. I hated it for the first few weeks, but once I got used to it, it was so much better not to have to worry about upkeep. Of course now, I’m thinkin’ about highlights again. Someone hold me back!!!

  3. Wow, I can’t believe you – who doesn’t like to fly – went all the way to Africa! Nice 🙂 My hair looks like yours…don’t worry. And I have no plans to get it highlighted… Yikes!

  4. either that or you could take in one of your screaming kids…then they’d be so distracted you could just throw cash at them and run…they’d never know the difference!


  5. You really do need to go in tomorrow….I went in last week in the same situation and came out feeling like a million dollars…actually went a little shorter, too…took an old picture in since my stylist is great but verbal discriptions she does not get. She appreciated the picture.

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