Anyone for Tennis?

Anyone for tennis?

Wouldn’t it be nice?


My 8 year old has played tennis on and off for the last year and really enjoyed it.


My 4 year old decided she had been carted around to enough sports events and wanted in on the action. After giving her several sports to choose from she started tennis this month.

She just finished up week 4 and she is having tons of fun.


The day before her first lesson we were driving around when I said, “Are you excited for you tennis lesson tomorrow?”



“I wonder who your teacher is going to be at tennis?”

“Nooooooo! Noooooo! I don’t have a teacher!”


What? “Um, Caroline, you will have a teacher for tennis so they can show you what to do.”

“Noooo! I can’t have a teacher.”


“I’m going to have a coach for tennis. Just like the boys.”

“Ohh, okay. Yes, you are going to have a coach.”


After finishing up her first lesson she came and sat by me while waiting for her brother to finish.

“How was your tennis lesson?”

“My coach is great.”


Only 2 more weeks of tennis lessons.

After that she’s on to six weeks of swim lessons.

Which will be, of course, with her swim coach.

3 thoughts on “Anyone for Tennis?

  1. Omg did you capture this child’s spirit and personality in the photos. You should become a professional. She is so precocious in personality for one who is only 4.

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