Our Daily Schedule

I know it’s summer and it’s supposed to be a carefree anything goes time but I need to have some sort of timeline for the day.

Here’s a rough sketch of what our day usually looks like:

7:30 – 8:00 Wake up and eat

9:00 Swim practice

10:30 Snack

11:00 Play a board game as a group

12:00 Eat lunch

12:30 Play

1:00 – 2:00 Quiet time – reading, playing in room (Mommy’s time on computer)

2:00 – 5:00 Play, pool, movies, friends, tv, games, video games, errands

5:45 Dinner

I am totally open to this being flexible but at some point of the day MOMMA NEEDS HER QUIET TIME.

Before the kids are allowed to do anything tv, computer, or video game related they need to do their chores.

They already bring their dishes to the sink, bring their clothes to the hamper, as well as other tasks so the chores I’m talking about are extras.

Having a simple chart has made completing chores no big deal. And let’s face it, there’s only two chores per day per person.

Is it a fancy chart that involves stickers, puffy paint, and ribbon?

H*LL no!

It’s written on paper each week by me and it works just fine.

Take a look at last week’s chart:


The big exciting change on the chart this week is that there are no chores scheduled for Saturday. We are usually exhausted from day long swim meets so I figured what’s the point.


Don’t worry, I’m not finished filling this weeks out yet. But I think you get the idea.

Do you have anything that’s making your summer a little easier?

3 thoughts on “Our Daily Schedule

  1. I need some more chore ideas. They take turns setting the table for dinner every night. They alternate between taking out the recycling and hauling the bowl of scraps to the compost bin, and that’s basically it. They have to clean their room, but that’s not really a chore, just an ongoing thing. Is five and seven too young to scrub toilets? :o)

  2. Yes, it is too young due to the danger of the chemicals, however, after the bathroom floor is swept, the kids would have fun pushing a swifter mop around to clean the floor and could empty the small trash cans from numerous rooms into the big one. also, since they are small and flexible checking under the sofa, chairs, and beds for items could be both fun and help you out.

  3. Your non-crafty chore chart is MY kinda chart. No bedazzling, no ribbons dangling off, no carved ice sculptures to make it more appealing. It’s a chore chart! Do you chores and cross it off. The end.

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