A New Niece or Nephew Update!

Well, after 24 hours hours of labor my sister had…

a little girl!

Little Adeline was born on 10 – 11 – 12!

Thankfully mom and baby are doing well, just a tad exhausted.

Hopefully, they will be home within the next day or two and those pictures will start coming.

Congratulations Amanda and Ben!

(And yes, several people have pointed out that my Baby Gender Prediction Test is now 2 for 2!)

9 thoughts on “A New Niece or Nephew Update!

  1. Way to go Amanda and congratulations Ben! Your life is now officially changed, for the better! Enjoy your little precious angel and I can’t wait to see pictures.

  2. I wrote the date yesterday and thought, “Wouldn’t it be cool to have a baby with that birthday!” Now I know somebody who does.

  3. So glad Addy is here. There is nothing sweeter than “daddy’s little girl” ….With three daughters who always perk up to listen to Dad’s advice, I speak from experience. Ben will be a great dad! Amanda, you can be the disciplinarian.

  4. Thanks for all the well wishes! And yes – Jen – I totally thought the same thing that your gender prediction test is 2 for 2! Even though I thought it was a boy all along, our little girl arrived 🙂 I won’t doubt your gender test ever again!

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