
Last weekend Caroline and I were at the playground during Alex’s lacrosse practice.

She was quite content to just swing and swing.

After awhile, two little girls walked up and got on the swings to her left.

Caroline proceeded to talk to them and they proceeded to ignore her.

One little girl told the other she was five.

The second little girl said, “Oh, I’m six.”

Caroline then said, “I’m fa-ree,” while holding up her three little fingers.

No response from them.

So I said, “Yes, Caroline. You are three.”

She ignored me and looked at the girls again.

With a flick of the wrist in my direction, she then said …..








“And this is my mom. She’s not fa-ree. She’s old.”


7 thoughts on “Old

  1. She is such a cutey……and actually categorizing pretty well. Does she know the word “ancient” for grandmothers yet? If your old I must be ancient and dusty…

  2. Hi! I’m your newest follower and co-host of this month’s blog hop. Thanks so much for joining in on the fun 🙂 I’m looking forward to getting you know you better!

    Ohhh this made me laugh! Such a cutie, and personality to boot!

  3. And by old, what she really meant to say is, “this is my mom, she’s the new face of Cover Girl.” 😉

    I can only imagine what my little one will come up with one day. I’m 100% sure, “super cool Cover Girl mom” will not be one of them 😉

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