HP Fever

We’ve got Harry Potter fever over here.

My husband just finished reading the first Harry Potter book to our boys and they are super excited to watch the movie now.

I decided to make a little party out of it and have been looking for a few items to help celebrate.

This book mark is on it’s way to our house…

Sophie Wilson Design

I’m pretty sure these cards would be fun to use…

Harry Potter Playing Cards

Anything that says “Sweet Shoppe is sure to be a hit…

Harry Potter Sweet Shoppe Kit

Andrew studied this book for awhile today at Barnes and Noble…

LEGO Harry Potter Book

This wizard’s workshop looks like fun…

Farrago Kids

How about a personalized Hogwarts diploma?

The Supply Company


And this one just cracks me up – probably not going to get this for the boys:)

Mud in My Blood

Anybody in your house a Harry Potter fan?

4 thoughts on “HP Fever

  1. I am! Are you going to bring the movie to the beach for the boys to watch or have they already watched it?

  2. I read the first three HP books aloud to my kids last summer…right before our trip to FL Universal Studios-Harry Potter World! To say my kids were ‘into’ it, would be an understatement! They couldn’t get enough! Love your HP picks…except for the last one!!

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