Princess Potty & More Potty Training Books

A few weeks ago I told you of Caroline’s completion of potty training (yeah!) so today I thought I’d share with you some of the books we read during this process.

Princess Potty by Samantha Berger (there’s a Pirate Potty too)

With the following lines from the book, how could you not like it?

Hear yea, hear yea,

Princess Potty has made the finest pee pee

The book comes with a crown and a set of jewels. For every success, the child puts a jewel on their crown.

Potty Animals: What to Know When You’ve Gotta Go! by Hope Vestegaard

This book is actually wonderful because it uses rhyme to talk about bathroom etiquette – washing your hands, closing the door, not waiting too long, etc.

 Everyone Poops by Taro Gomi

 I didn’t know about these books at the time but I bet she would have loved these as well.

Super Pooper! by Monika Sloan

The New Potty by Gina & Mercer Mayer

and how can you forget the old classic

Once Upon a Potty by Alona Frankel

I’m thinking of writing a potty training book titled…Your Poop in the Little Potty Makes Mommy Gag!

Any favorite potty training books I’m forgetting?

3 thoughts on “Princess Potty & More Potty Training Books

  1. How well I remember Once Upon a Potty–too well–three kids well. My favorite line from those times was from one of my sons: “But I like to poop in my pants.” It’s hard to fight that one. We survived, though!

  2. We, too, used “Once Upon a Potty”. It worked because at 38, 34, 31, and 27, everyone is “trained”….

  3. Your title is particularly true when Mommy is preggie. Thomas had a couple of doozies that made me puke when I was preggie with Ami. Fun times.

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