Library Porn

Every two weeks our family visits the library to pick up books.

Little did I know the library was supplying my nine year old with porn.

My son typically chooses five chapter books and two comic books.

I usually read the summaries of the novels but just assumed the comic books were fine.

Never having read a comic book in life I thought they were like the Sunday comics.

Harmless.Boy was I a dumb mommy.

One day my daughter and I were reading a pile of books on my bed when she grabbed the Batman comic book. I opened the book and gasped. I closed the book, jumped off the bed, and immediately confiscated the comic books.

This is what I saw.

Look it’s Vicki Vale getting ready for a date with Bruce Wayne

Β I’m pretty sure I’m going to jail for endangering a minor.

Just take a look at this.

Β Yes…wear something subtle on your dateMy 9 year old has been ready this!

Now, before you judge (don’t worry I would have judged you long before the pictures) remember, I have never looked in a comic book before.

This was just a small part of the book. The rest of the book was what I suspected a comic would contain.

Nevertheless, my son will never look at them again.

I might make an exception when he turns eighteen.

What’s the worst part of this library debacle?

I had to pay $1.25 in late fees for this book.



Weekend Bloggy Reading

41 thoughts on “Library Porn

  1. Yowsers! Maybe a different comic. I was thumbing through an Archie comic while waiting in line the other day, and I didn’t see any half-naked ladies, but I’m no connoisseur. πŸ˜‰

  2. Yes, I’m aware of this problem! My husband and I recently spent over an hour reading through SpiderMan comics to find one my son would be allowed to read! Such a pain to have these comic books be such a lure to young boys (and girls!), yet they’re full of adult themes and language! Great post to remind parents to be careful!

  3. I shoulder some of the blame here. I looked at the cover and noticed that it was written by Frank Miller which should have been an immediate tip off.

    Frank Miller is better known for his graphic novels 300 and Sin City which are not kid friendly.

  4. What?! This is a Batman comic? I had no idea these were so…graphic! Don’t feel too bad – I wouldn’t have had a clue either!!

  5. Wow! I can’t believe that stuff is in the public library! Scary! Thanks for the heads up for when my kids are into comic books.

  6. What the crap??? Whatever happened to the good ole Archie comics? You didn’t Betty and Veronica stripping down in them. Well…maybe Veronica. She was kind of a hussy.

  7. Oh boy! I’m so glad I’m not at that stage yet with my little tot, but it’s definitely good to know what’s out there. I’m such a book lover and she’s such a book, well, eater…seriously, what’s up with toddlers chewing the binding off books? I should invest in several more teething rings. Anyway, at least you know what to look out for now!

  8. Jennifer, not being a comic book reader myself, I wouldn’t know what to expect but I was seriously shocked to see this content! Wait, what? That was my reaction! Great post creating awareness to what’s really inside some of these comics!

  9. I would not have known what to expect either. Gah! That’s pretty bad. I guess it’s no worse than the Victoria Secrets catalog though. I would not let my 13 year old son see the Victoria Secrets catalog though. πŸ™‚

    Good catch, great post!

  10. LOL!!! Oh dear. That’s quite the get up she has on. Ah the things I have to look forward to.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment!

    Mindy (Rindy Mae)

  11. I can’t think of the name but there are comic books geared toward kids, which makes them G or PG rated… maybe try a google search.

    New follower from I’d love a follow back.

  12. My Hubby collected comics until a few years ago and STILL has a zillion in boxes in his closet. Uhm, yeah, I used to joke that it was his comic porn. The chicks are all 34EE with tiny waists and even tinier costumes. Apparently, no women in comics own a lick of “real clothes.” I feel your pain. Yuck.

  13. Comic books sure aren’t what I remember from my childhood. Maybe a mention to the library staff about some way to ensure these more graphic comics are more age appropriately labeled.

  14. I wouldnt have expected stuff like that to be in BATMAN! I dont judge you at all because I wouldnt have thought twice about it either.. its cartoons right? lol!! You should probably tell the librarian to put them in the young adult section though she may not know it is in there either.

  15. Just like “literature,” there are comics for different ages. And yes, it depends on the author (as Derek mentioned) as well. Today’s comic books/graphic novels can be grittier or more (excuse the pun) graphic, but they also deal with themes of the real world that Archie and company did not.

    Everything has its place-I would at least hope that the more “mature” comics are not in the children’s section (that’s the librarian’s job). As for being in public libraries, the same was said of all those books that have been banned in the past. I think it’s really knowing about the medium and checking them out first yourself (much like any TV show or movie).

  16. It depends on the comic and the author. I know there are some that are appropriate, you can ask your librarian for suggestions. But yeah those are pretty bad.

  17. LOL Thanks for the heads up! This would’ve been me writing this in 5 years! I’ve never read a comic book either. I had no idea some were like that! Don’t feel bad at all! It could’ve happened to anyone! πŸ™‚

  18. Oh wow!! I would never have thought they were that.. involved- not a comment book reader here either. I did have to laugh at the late fees- it just figures, doesn’t it??

  19. Wow. That is bad.

    I remember reading comics when I was a kid…and I can totally see myself letting my daughter pick one out and not give it a second thought. I had no idea this was going on.

    Maybe the library needs to separate the kids comics from the adult ones?

  20. OMG! That is crazy!!! I would totally have made the same mistake. Were they in the kids section? That is just crazy! But, HILARIOUS nonetheless!

  21. I was shocked! I never thought about it – but I asked my husband and he brought a few things to light: All comics are not for kids, Batman, Simpsons, etc. You are not alone! Oh – Batman movies are also not for kids.

  22. Found you via a blog hop! I can just tell you one thing, when I was younger and read comic books they weren’t that insane. Lately everything is all about sex, comic books included!

  23. Oh my word I totally laughed out loud when I read this! I had no idea comic books had that in it either! Oh & I feel you on the library fees…been there too many times!

  24. Wow! I never would have thought things like that would be in a comic book! Not judging you…but definitely thinking I might need to thumb through my daughter’s books soon! Thanks for the warning! (see, you did a public service for the rest of us dumb moms)

  25. I’ve only ever read Archie :/ Sorry to hear about your experience.

    Visiting you from the Thirsty Thursdays Blog Hop πŸ™‚

  26. I went through the very same thing in my daughters high school library! I was told it was considered suitable (BTW one of the Manga comics has a topless female comic figure with safety pins in her boobs) I had to threaten to go before the PTA and take the local news stations with me and tell the parents what their taxes were paying for, that got them off the shelves. Your library is made possible with your tax dollars you as parents should have a say. ……. Just sayin’ = )

  27. Yeah now days you cant let anything slip by. Were old school but the stuff that gkes on these days….everything is sexual. From music, to laundry detergent, to comic books. None of our kids are safe. So no Im not judging you at all. I blame society. Hang in there….my son is 8 and daughter is now 12z ugh let the games begin.

  28. Wow, really?!! I never, ever would have even thought that kind of stuff would be in a comic book. Shows how much I know! My boys have never been into reading comic books, thankfully.

    Well…unless some are hiding under their mattresses. I better go check!

    I saw your link on the Friday blog hop ~ I’m a new follower πŸ™‚
    They All Call Me Mom

  29. Best. Comic. Porn. Ever. If I were a nine-year-old boy I’d be enthralled too, haha!

    And it was only $1.25? Could be worse. πŸ™‚

    stopped in from flashback fridays.

  30. You really have to be careful because even things that seem totally safe are not. I tend to think most comic books are not safe for kids, but then again, I wonder why people make such a big deal about sex but not violence. I’ve seen some of the same parents that are so restrictive about their children encountering anything that could be considered “sexual”, but they let their kids watch the most violent TV and movies I’ve ever seen. Congrats on being a good parent and standing up for what you feel is right. There are too many parents that aren’t doing that.

    Just stopping by to say hello from Best Posts of the Week. -Lola from Lolarati and Buddhatropolis

  31. No judgement here! I would have had no idea!! Thank you for the reminder to be careful of what we bring home. :s My girls can’t read yet, but I guess I have a lot to look forward to. :s

  32. Wow! I’d not have expected that in a comic book either. Maybe you could just flipp through them before he reads them instead of banning them all together. Banning them might make him more interested in reading them.

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