Running Peak

I truly dislike running.

I don’t get the runner’s high you are suppose to experience at the end of a run.

I get exhaustion, a dehydration headache, and sore legs.

Two months into my training and I keep waiting for this to get easier.

Yesterday I went for a 7 mile run in the neighborhood per the running calender I am adhering to.

It was tough. I was out of breath practically the whole run and was complaining to myself the entire time.

To make matters worse, a boy on a unicycle passed me.

I couldn’t even make that up.

I wanted to push him over.

Only problem was…I couldn’t catch him so I just watched him cycle away.

Before kids, my husband and I completed a marathon.

I was 26 and in shape.

Now eleven years and several kids later, I’m trying to run just half that distance and struggling.

I’m 37 after all. A bit old to chase a dream?

Apparently not.

Take a look at this article I saw in the paper.

According to this I should hit my running stride in 63 years!

8 thoughts on “Running Peak

  1. I’m laughing my head off! But the truth is, you look amazing (in the words of Billy Crystal)!

  2. You are by no means out of shape, stop!! I went to acupuncture again last night to try and get my leg in order, really hoping this works bc having tons of needles stuck in you isn’t generally the first thing I would sign up for.

  3. I think your doing great. 🙂 I’m just a little older that you and I don’t think I could even walk 7 miles. lol. I loved part about the unicycle.

  4. Ha – I’m impressed by the 100 year old completing a marathon. And did you see that woman in the Chicago marathon who ran 9 months pregnant & then gave birth a few hours after she finished? Some people are just made to run. The rest of us give it our best shot. Good news – only a few more weeks of training and then this half marathon is OVER 🙂

  5. I’m just SO impressed that you’ve done a marathon! And I’m currently training for a half so I’m EXTRA impressed! 🙂

    That 100 year old dude must be a super hero or something…. ;P

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