August Goals Updated

Add 2 items to Etsy ShopCheck! I added the Baby Gender Prediction Test and the Baby Guessing Cards!

Continue Cleaning Out the Game Closet with the KidsCheck! So excited we went through and organized. I put the games and puzzles appropriate for Caroline at a level she could get them while older games went up higher. So far, three weeks later, everything has been put away when taken out – and we’ve played Candy Land every single day since we cleaned.

Take Quick Trip to New OrleansCheck! We had a great  four day trip visiting my parents at the beginning of August. My kids think their Grampa has the best job ever – running a park that includes an amusement park!

Make Lasso for Wonder Woman CostumeFail!

Make 3 Meals for the FreezerCheck! I made mounds of pasta and sauce one day so we have 3 meals of spaghetti bake waiting for us to eat up.

Go Through the Boys Clothes and Take Out What Doesn’t FitCheck! A week before school started I set myself up on the floor next to their dresser and pulled out everything. What followed was a fairly entertaining fashion show of long sleeve shirts which were now way to short and pants which looked like waders. But since it will be hot here for awhile, I didn’t buy anything new for the boys to start school except for one pair of sneakers and some underwear.

Make Desk for the Boys Room – Check! My husband used a piece of wood we had in the garage and I found four desk legs at IKEA for $3.95 each so the new desk cost us just over $16.00! Now I’m planning on getting containers for art supplies, a lamp, and some shelves above the desk to finish out the space. My vote was to paint their room but it was vetoed so the builder beige stays.

Make Pillow for Guest RoomFail!

Enjoy the Last Weeks of Summer Check!

Hope you accomplished what you wanted to in August!

6 thoughts on “August Goals Updated

  1. The pictures of y’all at City Park are precious! Actually, Andy and Sam have been wanting me to make some inquiries about that. Now that our seasons are reversed, and our summer break is winter up there, the rides are closed when we go to visit in Dec/Jan. NOLA has a mild enough winter that they should be able to keep the rides open year-round, eh?! They were so disappointed last year, and they’re already grumbling about our upcoming trip and how they won’t be able to ride the rides. Ms. Pat, would you please talk to Mr. Bob about this? :o)

  2. Jess- the rides were open last year during Celebration in the Oaks…so around Christmas time we rode them

    • Oh, thanks! The plan is to be there closer to Christmas this trip, so hopefully we’ll get to go on the rides AND see Celebration in the Oaks!

  3. Wow! You were busy! Love the table and I agree, should paint the room 🙂
    Love the pics of New Orleans especially the big huge smile on Caroline’s face riding the carousel. And I have to agree with the boys, grandpa has the best job ever!

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