
***This post was written a few weeks ago when my daughter was still in school***

Apparently my daughter likes preschool.

At least that’s what the teachers tell me.

I have never actually seen her experience this joy but I’ll trust them.

I hear about her love of friends, putting crafts together, playing in the pretend kitchen, but when I show up the fun stops.

At the Christmas party all of the kids stood in front of the parents singing away while Caroline was in my lap burying her head.

At the Valentine’s Day party, she wouldn’t leave my lap for the group picture.

And at the end of the school year party she wouldn’t sing, get in a picture, or put on the decorated class shirt.

Notice all of the other kids wearing similar shirts?

 Guess who refused to put one on?

You could look at this as she’s asserting her independence, not following the crowd, thinking on her own, or maybe even that she has good fashion sense.

The teacher kept saying, “She’s a real pistol.”

When asked why she didn’t want to put her shirt on Caroline said, “I’m brave.”

Whether or not she understands what that means you do have to admit she is pretty brave.

Imagine staring down and refusing to follow the directions of two fifty year old women when you only stand 32 inches tall all the while ignoring your mommy’s suggestions for putting the shirt on and being in the class picture.

Yes, I think she’s definitely asserting her independence.

Oh, and  she’s certainly a little pistol.

3 thoughts on “Preschool

  1. I love her reasoning for not doing things. The other day at McDonald’s she was sitting across from me at the table and she ate all her fries and then just starting eating mine. I didn’t notice at first but when I caught her I said,

    “Hey, what are doing?”

    “I’m sharing” she told me.

  2. Wow! Does that bring back memories about a similar child who marched to her own drummer. When I brought up the topic at a parent-education group one day when the little girl was four, the leader said, “that same stubbornness or sense of self will make her great one day.”and you know what she was right. She was always testing limits within herself and around her and she was very “brave”. Though I have marveled at the more tractable children who seem to take after my husband, you know you are really “parenting” when you have a child with a strong will and it takes every ounce of your creative skills to survive. I was “lucky” enough to have two. And remember, the apple does not fall far from the tree and books have been written about these children. Rarely, do parenting books focus on “parenting the wonderful child who when given two choices picked by you always chooses one.” If you have no clue after reading this description and are very smug about your parenting skills. Wait till number two or three.

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